Here readers will find papers that I have published over the last years. They are the result of the curiosity and enthusiasm that have led me to open a number of doors to Rabbit Medicine and Production. If you would like to consult any of these publications, feel free to do so, but please do not publish them or post them on any other web page.
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- Publications from 1978 to 1987
- Publications from 1988 to 1997
- Publications from 1998 to 2007
- Publications from 2008 to 2017
- Publications from 2018 onwards
- Rosell RM, DVM PhD and de la Fuente LF, DVM PhD. 2008. Health and body condition of rabbit does on commercial farms. Images.
- Rosell JM. 2012. Calcification of soft tissues in domestic rabbits on commercial farms. Images.
- Rosell JM 2012. Viral haemorrhagic disease in kits. Images.
- Rosell JM, de la Fuente LF 2012. On-farm causes of mortality in female rabbits. 10th World Rabbit Congress
- Rosell JM 2013. Ulcerative Pododermatitis in Breeding Rabbits, Images.
- Rosell, JM. 2017. Mastitis & staphylococcosis on rabbitries. Images.
- Rosell JM. 2019. Rabbit Myxomatosis. Images.
- Rosell JM. 2019. Atypical myxomatosis (vaccinated doe). Video.
- Rosell JM. 2020. Types of farms visited during 1994 – 2019. Images
- Rosell JM. 2020. Reproduction and related disorders in farmed female rabbits. 1994 to 2019. Images
- Rosell JM. 2021. “The rabbit farming in the post-antibiotic era: a challenge that can be won?” Round table, 12th World Rabbit Congress, Nantes, France
- Rosell JM. 2022. Respiratory disorders in farmed rabbits. Images.
- Rosell JM. 2023. Mange in farmed rabbits. 1996 – 2022. Images
- Rosell JM.2024. Fatty liver in farmed rabbit females. Images.